Brushy Creek Regional Raw Water Pipeline & Regional Water Treatment Plant
The Cities of Round Rock, Cedar Park, and Leander, Texas
• Endangered Species Survey
• USFWS Section 7 Consultation
• Cultural Resources Survey
• Section 404 Permitting
• BCP Application
In 2007, the cities of Round Rock, Cedar Park, and Leander, Texas realized their need for a long-term, reliable water supply due to capacity limitations at current water treatment plants and potentially inadequate floating intake depths. The 2006 Texas Regional Water Plan projected water needs in the region to increase 230 percent by the year 2050. As a result, the three cities formed the Brushy Creek Regional Utility Authority (BCRUA) and retained aci environmental consulting and Environmental and Planning Associates to provide an analysis of environmental constraints and routing for a new water supply project.
Sensitive environmental issues within the project area included the presence of endangered species and jurisdictional waters of the United States, cultural resources, public parks, endangered species preserve and concerned members of the public. aci completed the necessary environmental permitting within the necessary project schedule. aci supported the BCRUA in preparation for public concerns, attended public meetings and presented the environmental approach to concerned public. aci coordinated endangered species habitat mitigation options for the project, including coordination with the USFWS and Balcones Canyonlands Preserve (BCP) for inclusion into the BCP 10(a) Incidental Take Permit.
Additionally, aci and other design team members effectively completing the required Texas Water Development Board Environmental Assessment that eventually helped secure the Cities a $309 million dollar loan for the project.