NPDES Goes Digital
by Marc Jansing
modernized systems
for both National and Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systems
On September 24, 2015 the EPA signed a final rule which will transition National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) reporting, and the corresponding Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES), from paper to digital submittals. The switch to mandatory digital submissions for NPDES reporting is intended to cut down on reporting errors that take place with paper reporting and will provide permittees authorized to discharge stormwater and wastewater with automated fact-checking and submission confirmation.
The new NPDES reporting rule will be implemented in two phases. Phase I, effective December 21, 2016, will require all Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) to be submitted electronically. Facilities required to submit DMRs in Texas, such as temporary concrete batch plants operating under the TXG110000 Wastewater General Permit, will need to do so using the TCEQ’s NetDMR web-based reporting program. Phase II, effective December 21, 2020, will require all NPDES regulated entities to submit a notice of intent (NOI) and notice of termination (NOT) electronically. For operators authorized by TCEQ’s Industrial Multi-Sector General Permits and Construction Stormwater General Permit, these tasks will be reported by using the web-based State of Texas Environmental Electronic Reporting System (STEERS).
More information can be found here:
Environmental Protection Agency
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
If you have questions regarding how the new reporting requirements may affect your current NPDES permit or need to connect existing permits to the TCEQ’s reporting program accounts, please contact aci environmental consulting’s Austin office.