Southern Edwards Plateau Habitat Conservation Plan Will Go into Effect

by Mark Adams

Guadalupe River in Texas with autumn foliage, clear water, and rocky banks, featured in a blog post about the 2016 Habitat Conservation Plan.

southern edwards plateau habitat conservation plan

A regional endangered species plan for Bexar County.

The USFWS just posted a Federal Register document today detailing that the Southern Edwards Plateau Habitat Conservation Plan (SEP HCP) will be going into effect. The SEP HCP is a regional endangered species plan for Bexar County.  Similar regional endangered species plans are in place in Travis, Williamson (and recently) Hays Counties, Texas. 

The species that are covered in the SEP HCP plan are the golden-cheeked warbler, black-capped vireo, and 7 listed endangered karst invertebrates.

Projects in San Antonio/Bexar County can participate in the plan, though mitigation habitat can be acquired in Bandera, Blanco, Comal, Kendall, Kerr, and Medina Counties.

If you have a Bexar County project and are interested in participating in the plan for endangered species compliance or if you are interested in selling conservation land to the plan in any of the 7 counties, please contact aci and we will help you out. 

Remember – golden-cheeked warbler survey season runs from March 15th through June 1st  and black-capped vireo season runs from April 10th through July 1st, so let aci know ASAP if you want your land surveyed in 2016!

Map of the Southern Edwards Plateau Habitat Conservation Plan area, featured in a 2016 blog post about conservation efforts.

SEP HCP Plan Area Map

Projects in Bexar County can participate in the plan, though mitigation habitat can be acquired in:

  • Bandera County

  • Blanco County

  • Comal County

  • Kendall County

  • Kerr County

  • Medina County

Here is the website for the SEP HCP for more information: SEPHCP


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