In 2019, archeologists with aci environmental consulting archeological monitored for the large-scale excavations for 4.65 acres retention pond, PA-B8, associated with the Loop 375/Border Highway West (BHW) project in El Paso County, Texas. Archeological monitoring was utilized to determine the presence of substantial finds, defined for the project as artifacts, soil strata indicating habitation or long term and continuous activities, or structural remains directly associated with Old Fort Bliss and/or Hart’s Mill.

The archeological monitoring required extensive coordination with both the THC and TxDOT, including Section 106 regarding historic structures and archeological sites. Although not required under the mitigation agreement executed between the Texas Historical Commission (THC) and the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), the two agencies agreed to exploratory investigations at the location of retention pond PA-B8 to determine whether remains associated with Old Fort Bliss and/or Hart’s Mill were present, assess their condition, and evaluate overall impacts resulting from construction.  

archeological monitoring

Loop 375/Border Highway West
El Paso County, Texas

Ceramic artifacts found during the pond excavation
Historic glass artifact

Ceramic artifacts found during pond excavation

Historic glass artifact

Overview of pond excavation for a project aci archeological monitored in El Paso County, TX

Overview of pond excavation

Historic ceramic with exterior print decoration

Historic ceramic with exterior print decoration


Lakeline Park Phase I Improvements