Mustang SUD Wastewater Treatment Plant & Effluent Pipeline Project
Denton County, Texas
Overview of southeast area of alignment showing terracing, facing west
aci env consulting conducted a cultural resources survey for the Mustang SUD New Wastewater Treatment Plant and Effluent Pipeline Project, in Denton County, Texas in 2017.
The proposed project consisted of a wastewater treatment plant and associated effluent pipeline. The cultural resources work included a pedestrian survey of the entire project area, shovel testing, site photography, preliminary archival research, and report preparation and curation in accordance with the Texas Historical Commission and Council of Texas Archaeologists standards.
Over 40 shovel tests were excavated, focusing in on the proposed area for the waste water treatment plant which included a small rise in the southern portion and where the footslopes of the hill were contour terraced. Shovel tests were also placed in the floodplain along the western side of Little Elm Creek. No artifacts were observed on the surface or in any shovel test, nor were any cultural materials encountered during the survey.